Sunday, January 22, 2006

Buy a Ford and support terrorism!

Okay so maybe thats a stretch but bear with me for minute or three and let me explain where I am coming from.

I was in traffic behind a slow moving Ford truck decorated with UMWA, Proud Democrat and Kerry Edwards 2002 stickers. Naturally my first thoughts were another assclown that votes with the straight ticket button.

So then it all started to come together in my head. This guy works and pays union dues for wages and benefits he would still get or better if he worked at a non union mine. The union then gives generously to the DNC. He then takes whats left of his wages and buys a Ford F-whatever for $40,000 made by the UAW who also dumps large sums of money into the DNC and urges its members to vote for the Democrats. Apparently its because people like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy can really appreciate the working man. So the UAW is trying to get people into office whose plan seems to be placating our enemies.

So not only is that supporting our enemies who want us dead still no matter if you are from a blue or red state but also supporting the whining UAW members.

Next up lets talk about the Corvette plant.

1 comment:

Outlaw 13 said...

It's a good thing the UAW doesn't know where you live, or read this blog for that matter. They would be in a high state of hissy considering you are questioning their patriotism.

You know their political selections are only selected on the basis of what they thing will garner them the most amount of imply they put any more thought into what they do would be giving them too much credit.